Chemical Refinery Waste Water Reuse Case Study

Chemical Refinery Waste Water Reuse
The Robust Solution for Chemical Wastewater Treatment with a Outstanding Performance
A chemical refinery located in Qinghai China operated a non-biological waste water treatment plant with chemical precipitation followed by clarification, conventional media filtration, and finally with reverse osmosis (RO).
The RO membranes failed after a short period of time due to high turbidity, high silt density index (SDI), and biological fouling. The more robust and longer lasting Nanostone Ceramic UF membranes were chosen over polymeric UF membranes to improve the system performance. After the Nanostone Ceramic UF membranes were installed, the water quality to the RO membranes was dramatically improved with SDI levels < 3 and turbidity < 0.1 NTU. The Nanostone Ceramic UF membranes operate very stable in dead end mode of operation at a flux rate of 170 LMH (100 GFD).
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